How Did Nick Fury Lose His Eye? Unknown Things

How Did Nick Fury Lose His Eye Unknown Things

Nick Fury, known in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) for uniting the Avengers, is one of the most intriguing characters that Marvel has to offer. Despite not being a superhero and lacking a uniform or any distinctive logos, he does have a famous eye patch. He gets an eye injury in the Captain Marvel movie from an alien cat imposter scratching his eye. The reason for his missing eye in the comics is, however, much more intriguing.

First, how did Nick Fury lose his eye?

He accidentally walked into a minefield while evading the Nazis during the war, which caused him to be caught in an explosion. Even worse, while being treated by a man by the name of Professor Sternberg, he was subjected to experimentation. He suffered numerous wounds, including one to his left eye.

The story of Nick Fury’s eye injury was first told in Marvel Spotlight (1976) vol.1 #38 (by Jim Starlin and Howard Chaykin) and was displayed via a flashback of France in World War II. An even bigger story is related to Fury’s eye injury. 

How Did Nick Fury Lose His Eye?

The main concern for many MCU devotees is “What happened to Nick Fury’s eye?” The comics and the movies take different approaches to the tale of Fury’s vision loss. In the comic, Fury is blinded by a Nazi grenade explosion. Fury, however, is reluctant to discuss why he wears an eyepatch because in the MCU, the topic of his eye is sensitive. It was revealed in Captain Marvel that he lost his eye when Goose, who is obviously no ordinary cat but a fierce alien creature that resembles cats from Earth, scratched the man. They can shield objects because of the sectioned dimensions inside their bodies. Even though Fury initially doesn’t take the scratch seriously, it is eventually made clear that Goose’s scratch actually caused him to lose an eye.

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Nick Fury & The Howling Commandos

The question of how Nick Fury lost his left eye is not unique to MCU fans, though. Fury started his comic book life in Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos, The two-eyed, Nazi-killing, Axis-confounding adventures of Sgt. The Howling Commandos, Nick Fury’s elite group of specially chosen soldiers.

Until 1965, when Marvel decided there just might be something to the post-war globetrotting spy archetype so recently and charismatically embodied by Sean Connery, Fury was just another enlisted grunt—albeit a nearly mythical, unkillable, unbeatable, and unflappable one. In his first spy adventure, the grizzled Fury, dressed in a stylish suit, fought Hydra’s various arms on behalf of the intelligence agency SHIELD.

How Did Nick Fury Lose His Eye Unknown Things
How Did Nick Fury Lose His Eye? Unknown Things

What About The Other Nick Furys?

In the Marvel Multiverse, there are two additional individuals who go by the name Nick Fury, and both of them are also one-eyed superheroes.

In the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the most well-known alternate history of Marvel, Nick Fury—who is probably the reason Samuel L. Jackson was chosen to play the character in the MCU who lost his eye during a different military conflict. Ultimate Nick Fury was serving in Kuwait during the Gulf War when his convoy was attacked by Iraqi soldiers, and he ended up on the wrong side of an explosion. You might be more familiar with him as the X-Man Wolverine, but that convoy just so happened to be carrying the army’s Weapon X. Nick was fortunate to be saved by Wolverine, who carried him back to headquarters after pulling him from the rubble.

After the closure of the Ultimate Marvel universe, that iteration of Nick Fury is no longer in existence, but the main Marvel Universe still managed to find a way to introduce a similar character to its main setting. The current Nick Fury of the main Marvel Universe is Nick Fury, Jr., his son.

Marvel’s Battle Scars miniseries made several moves that nudged the The Marvel Comics Universe, which includes Agent Phil Coulson’s comic book debut, is more similar to the one depicted in the movies. The show also featured Marcus Johnson, a soldier who resembled Nick Fury from the Ultimate Universe and who later revealed to be Nick Fury, Jr., the secret son of Main Universe Nick Fury. In the pages of Battle Scars, some bad guys who want to get to Captured by Nick Fury is Nick Fury, Jr. and cut out his eye. Of co


How did Nick Fury lose his eye?

In the Marvel movie universe (MCU), Nick Fury is famous for the alliance of the Avengers. He is one of the most attractive characters in marvel. Although he is not a superhero, nor does he have a uniform or any unique logo, he has a famous eye mask. In Captain Marvel, his eyes were scratched by a cat posing as an alien. However, the reason why he lost an eye in the cartoon is much more interesting.

The story of Nick Frey’s eye injury was originally told in Marvel focus (1976) Vol. 1, No. 38 (Jim starling and Howard chain), and was shown through the flashback of France in World War II. A bigger story has to do with Fury’s eye injury.

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