How Many Eyes Do Bees Have: Amazing Thing

How Many Eyes Do Bees Have: Amazing Thing

How many eyes do bees have? A honey bee has a total of five eyes. In the middle of their heads, they have two enormous complex eyes and three smaller ocelli or “simple” eyes.

Bees Physical Characteristics

The honey bee has three sets of legs, for a total of six legs. The rear pair, on the other hand, has stiff hairs that are specifically created to hold pollen while flying from blossom to flower. This is the reason why a worker bee in full season can be seen to have two golden pouches. Special holes on the front pair of legs allow the bee to clean its antenna.

The honey bee has a total of four wings. When not in use, the front and back wings detach to allow for simple folding. They latch together to form one large pair of wings.

The honey bee has FIVE eyes, two huge compound eyes and three smaller ocelli eyes in the middle of its head, which may appear incredible.

Bees Have Five Eyes

Three black dots may have caught your eye if you’ve ever been bold enough to approach a bee up close. These are the eyes. The unknown

A bee has three “simple” or “ocelli” eyes on the top of its head in addition to two huge eyes on either side of its head. A bee can tell if a predator is approaching from above because they can only detect light, not forms.

The two imposing eyes A compound eye is what bees have on either side of their heads, consisting of numerous microscopic lenses that combine to form a larger picture of what the bee can see. They are experts in recognizing patterns, which can be used to determine different plant types.

Three basic eyes (or occelli)

These aid bees in determining whether they are being approached by predators from above because they are able to detect light but not forms. On a bee’s head, they shape a triangle.

Two overlapping eyes

Compound eyes are another name for the broad eyes on either side of a bee’s head. A picture of what the bee can truly see is pieced together by the many small cells (referred to as ommatidea) that make up each of them.

How Many Eyes Do Bees Have: Amazing Thing
How Many Eyes Do Bees Have: Amazing Thing

Bees Eyes’ Features

Bees Use The Sun To Navigate

In addition to their furry eyes, bees are thought to use the sun to navigate. They can see polarized light (light passing through filters, such as clouds), which means they can see the sun, even in very cloudy weather.

Bees Have Furry Eyes

Strangely, bees have tiny hairs on their big eyes. It is believed that these hairs can detect the wind direction, so they can sail in windy conditions.

Bees Can See Ultraviolet Rays

Bees can see some colors, although their color vision is very different from human beings. Their eyes are more sensitive to blue and purple. Bees can see ultraviolet rays, which is the advantage of flowers reflecting a lot of ultraviolet rays. This makes the flowers look very bright against the surrounding environment and very attractive to bees!

People think that the favorite colors of bees are purple, violet and blue. This may explain why “bee-friendly” flowers, such as lavender and forget me not, tend to be these colors.

Bees Can Detect Movement In Less Than 300 Minutes Of A Second

To us humans, a flower seems to be static, but bees are likely to see them swaying in the smallest breeze. This is because bees are very sensitive to movement, even if the movement takes place in 1/300 seconds. Humans can only detect motion for more than 1/50 of a second. See more about How Many Eyes Does A Butterfly Have?


At Bella Eye Care Optometry, eyes are everything. We are enamored by eyes. Although we exclusively interact with people, we are curious about all species of animals. In case you didn’t know, bees have five eyes. Compound eyes refer to the two large eyes of a bee that are constructed of many microscopic lenses. Those eyes pick up on motion. In actuality, human eyes can only detect movement separated by 1/50th of a second while bee eyes can detect movement as quickly as 1/300th of a second. The three ocelli are simple eyes that can detect the level of light. Bee eyes also don’t perceive colors the way our eyes do. While we are unable to see ultraviolet light, they can.

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