Sanpaku Eyes: Types & Medical Causes & More

Sanpaku Eyes Types & Medical Causes & More

The term “sanpaku eyes” gets its name from the Japanese language. It means “three whites” and refers to more of the white of the eye showing either above or below the iris. Sanpaku eyes, also known as scleral show in Western medicine, can be merely cosmetic or result from blepharoplasty.

Would you like to learn more about this superstition? Imagine if you had Sanpaku eyes. Let’s look at more specifics!


Whites on the top of the eyes are said to indicate a physical imbalance in the body, possibly brought on by alcoholism, drug addiction, or excessive grain and sugar consumption in Japanese and Chinese medical face readings. When the bottom of the eyes are visible, it is thought to signify a mental imbalance that can lead to rage and violent thoughts and tendencies. Both are said to be prone to provoking violent incidents and mishaps. George Ohsawa, a Japanese educator, predicted that famous people like Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy would use the phrase in the 1960s, bringing it to English speakers in 1965. Kennedy would pass away; they both had lower-white Sanpaku eyes.

A reverse image search of the original diagram on Tineye revealed that Redditor FigurativelyAdolf’s depiction of several controversial figures and serial killers with similar eyes on December 11th, 2013, is the earliest known use of the image as a format. Even though the Redditor’s account was later deleted, the original meme and its variations were frequently used in the years that followed.

Sanpaku Eye Types

Yin Sanpaku

Yin Sanpaku
Yin Sanpaku

It is believed that those who have yin sanpaku eyes, which show a white sclera beneath the iris, are more susceptible to danger, whether it comes from their own actions or those of others. People with this sanpaku are allegedly more likely to use drugs, consume alcohol, or pass away tragically.

  • In his book, Ohsawa calls this sanpaku “a sign from nature that one’s life is threatened by an early and tragic end.” He then gives examples of historical figures like JFK, Marie Antoinette, Abraham Lincoln, and Archduke Ferdinand who had sanpaku and died an early, tragic death.

Yang Sanpaku

Yang Sanpaku
Yang Sanpaku

While people with yin sanpaku are most likely to be victims of tragedy and violence, people with yang sanpaku are more likely to be perpetrators of tragedy and violence. According to superstition, those who have visible white above their eyes frequently act violently toward others.

  • Although yang sanpaku isn’t specifically covered by Ohsawa in his book, it is still widely regarded as a component of sanpaku lore.

Are Sanpaku Eyes Rare?

A study was conducted in July 1987 to assess the level of scleral show in a sample of the population. At a plastic surgery practice, the participants were chosen at random. Age, sex, race, and general health were evaluated using a questionnaire. Next, measurements of the scleral show were performed on the participants.

A headband goniometer, which measures angles, was strapped to each participant’s head in order to conduct the measurements. As their eyes remained fixed on a specific point, the head was then angled between 0 and -35 degrees.

According to the study’s findings, inferior scleral show was a fairly typical finding.

In the assessment, 100 people took part. The participants, however, were all white. The study can therefore only accurately represent a portion of the Caucasian population.

Medical Causes for Sanpaku Eyes

Natural Causes

“Sanpaku eyes” isn’t actually an official medical term or condition (a more medically accepted term in the West is “scleral show”). The development of some people’s eyelids simply results in more sclera showing; it has nothing to do with their health, nature, or destiny.

  • Depending on your eye size and cheek structure, a scleral show may also develop naturally as you age.
  • You can also “give” yourself sanpaku by widening your eyes and/or tilting your head a certain way.

Physical Trauma

It’s possible that your lower eyelid covers a little less of your sclera if you’ve ever broken any of your facial bones due to the healing and scarring process.


The lower eyelid rotates outward due to ectropion, exposing more of the lower sclera. A doctor may advise specific ointments, artificial tears, or even surgery, which is the most efficient way to fix the eyelid, depending on the severity of the condition.

  • Ectropion can be brought on by a variety of factors, such as genetic disorders, facial paralysis, and muscular wasting.

Lower Blepharoplasty Complications

Some patients who have undergone blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) report scleral show and ectropion around their eyelids. Discuss your options with your surgeon if you are still having these problems after your procedure.

  • Keep in mind that a blepharoplasty requires weeks or even months to heal completely.

Sanpaku Eyes Vs. “Typical” Eyes

It’s likely that you will see the pupil and iris in the center and the whites (sclera) on either side of your own eyes when you look in a mirror or reflection. The position of the iris and pupil can change as you look in different directions or “roll” your eyes up or down. However, this is how the eyes typically appear.

The term “sanpaku” describes eyes with greater scleral visibility. This could imply that there is more white showing above or below the iris.

The term “sanpaku eyes” has roots in Asian face reading. Physiognomy is a type of face reading. The art of describing someone’s character or personality based solely on their outward appearance is known as physiognomy. For the most part, it specifically refers to facial features.

In Western medicine, a more accepted term for sanpaku eyes is “scleral show.” The terms “sanpaku eyes” and “scleral show” refer to the same kind of eye appearance. In their respective contexts, they have different meanings, though.

Sanpaku eyes are frequently connected to Japanese face reading or psychological connotations, whereas scleral show describes a natural eye appearance or may be brought on by aging, disease, injury, or a complication from blepharoplasty.

Typical Eyes
“Typical” Eyes

What is the Sanpaku Superstition Or Curse?

Tragic events and violence are linked to sanpaku eyes.Yin sanpaku and yang sanpaku are the two types of people who typically have sanpaku eyes. The sclera beneath the iris is visible in people with yin sanpaku, and these people are said to be more likely to get sick or pass away tragically. People with yang sanpaku, or sclera that is visible above the iris, are thought to be more violent toward others.[3]

  • Famous people with yin sanpaku eyes include Princess Diana, JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley, and Audrey Hepburn.
  • Unforgettable illustration of yang sanpaku eyes is the murderous cult leader Charles Manson.

In the 1960s, George Ohsawa helped to popularize the superstition.In his 1965 book titled You Are All Sanpaku (published under his pen name Sakurazawa Nyoiti), Ohsawa introduces sanpaku as “a condition of the human eye which presents three white sides or areas around the iris.” Ohsawa claims that the idea of sanpaku, which denotes a state of physical, spiritual, or physiological imbalance, has been present in the field of Eastern philosophy for millennia. Ohsawa promotes the macrobiotic diet in his book and contends that it can treat sanpaku.

  • The macrobiotic diet, which was first proposed by Ohsawa, combines dietary recommendations (such as including 40–60% whole grains, 20–30% produce, and 10–25% bean products in your diet) and lifestyle habits (such as avoiding microwaves, caffeine, and alcohol, among other things). Modern health professionals caution that diets like this one aren’t always the healthiest and can result in nutrient deficiencies (like vitamins, iron, protein, and calcium).

What is Scleral Show?

The term “scleral show” in medicine refers to the visibility of the sclera (the white of the eye) above or below the iris. It is an anatomical condition in which the bones shift and change shape as a result of heredity, hormones, trauma, or aging. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) complications can also include lower scleral show.

Lower scleral show, also known as inferior scleral show, can give the eyes a wide-eyed look or make them appear larger. Lower scleral show can be a desired appearance for some people, despite the fact that this is regarded as a complication in the context of blepharoplasty. This is likely a result of physiologic and/or culturally influenced cultural standards of beauty.

What Does Having Sanpaku Eyes, Or Scleral Show, Mean?

Japanese physiognomy, or face reading, serves as a foundation for understanding the psychological implications of sanpaku eyes. In Japanese culture and other Eastern cultures, the art of face reading is very important.

The psychological evaluations of sanpaku eyes, it’s important to note, are based on superstition. Scleral show is merely an inherited condition that can also be brought on by illness, injury, or aging.

Additionally, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift surgery) side effects could contribute to scleral show. Medical intervention, such as hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, can be used to treat this complication if it occurs.

Cooperative Eye Hypothesis

A proposed evolutionary theory to explain how the human eye evolved is the cooperative eye hypothesis. It claims that our eyes evolved alongside their distinctive features to facilitate glance-based communication. The sclera is one of the distinguishing characteristics of our eyes.

Due to the lack of pigment, the sclera is white. According to the cooperative eye hypothesis, the white of the sclera makes the iris and pupil of the eye stand out more. This supposedly makes it simpler for us to communicate by following glances and observing eye contact.

Even though it is not generally accepted, the cooperative eye hypothesis still offers a potential explanation for how the human eye came to be.

Do Any Famous People Have Sanpaku Eyes?

When the face-reading method was used to evaluate American president John F. Kennedy, sanpaku eyes first attracted attention in Western culture. Kennedy, who in a few pictures has a clear scleral show.

There are numerous celebrities and non-celebrities with sanpaku eyes because they are not uncommon. Some celebrities who have noticeable scleral show, based on pictures, include:

  • Billie Eilish
  • Diana Ross
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Twiggy
  • Michael Jackson
  • Diana, Princess of Wales
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