Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry? Possible Causes & Solutions

Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry Possible Causes & Solutions

Not the sweat itself, but rather the movement of irritants like moisturizer, makeup, or sunscreen into your eyes, maybe the cause of the tears. The burning should leave once the reflex tears have finished their work.

Why do my eyes burn when I cry is a question that people who want to start food trucks want to know. Your eyes may sting from reflex tears as a result of working up a sweat.

For more information about why my eyes burn when I cry, continue reading.

Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry?


A condition known as blepharitis results in sore, flaming, and crusty debris at the base of the eyelashes as well as eyelid inflammation. Grittiness, itchy eyelids, and a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes are some symptoms.

Dry Eye Syndrome

The most common reason for a burning sensation in the eyes is dry eye syndrome. When the three components of healthy tears—oil, mucus, and water—are not present in the proper amounts and ratios (as is the case with dry eyes), the eyes become dry and irritated, which may cause a burning sensation. (Check for Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurry Vision? )

Pink Eye 

Pink Eye 
Pink Eye 

A viral or bacterial infection that can affect one or both eyes, pink eye, also known as viral conjunctivitis, is extremely contagious and is spread by sneezing or coughing. Watery, burning, or itchy eyes are some of the symptoms. (Check for Can You Get Pink Eye From A Fart?)

Elements Of The Environment Cause Burning Eyes

Allergens, chemicals, perfumes, and getting tiny particles stuck in one’s eyes are a few other things that can make one feel like their eyes are burning.


Your eyes may itch, tear up, and burn as a result of airborne allergens or indoor allergens like mold or pet dander.

Foreign Particles in Your Eye

In addition to the hurting, getting debris in the eyes can also cause a burning sensation.


You might feel a burning sensation if you’re exposed to certain chemicals in household cleaning products. In addition to polluting the environment, the volatile compounds present in aerosol sprays and disinfectants also irritate the eyes.


A burning sensation can result from eye irritation in some people who are sensitive to fragrances found in skin care products, shampoo, and cologne.

Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry? Possible Causes & Solutions

Find Relief When My Eyes Burn When I Cry

By applying warm compresses or dry eye masks to your eyes for about five minutes, you can melt the frozen oils in your eyelids and naturally increase the amount of oil tears you produce.

“According to Dr., this stops the tear reflex loop. Another method, according to Tuten, is to use artificial tears that contain an oil layer substitute. These offer your tears an added oil barrier.”

Does The Issue Have Any External Influences?

Everyone can experience dry eyes and tears, regardless of whether they use contacts, glasses, or no vision correction at all.

“According to Dr., the average time spent wearing contact lenses is 14 to 16 hours. According to Tuten, various brands allow varying amounts of oxygen to pass through the cornea, so you can wear some for a little longer than others. Don’t assume that this sensation is always brought on by wearing contacts.”

When allergy season arrives, over-the-counter medications and topical eye drops can help with additional symptoms of itchy and watery eyes.

Prescription Options For Eye Allergies

In case of severe allergies, an eye specialist may suggest prescriptive drugs, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug eye drops
  • Antibiotic eye drops or oral medications
  • Steroid eye drops for eye inflammation
  • Eye drops to enhance tears production

You can improve your eye health by using these eye drops. So next time when you face this question, ” Why do my eyes sting when I cry?” seek medical attention.

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Treatments Of My Eyes Burn When I Cry

In order to address the underlying causes, burning eyes when crying may be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medications and home remedies. Options may include:

  • warm or cool compresses placed over your eyelids with eyes closed
  • cleaning your eyelids with cotton swabs to remove crusts from blepharitis
  • using a warm washcloth to remove irritants from around your eyes, such as soap, sweat, or cosmetics
  • artificial tears for dry eye, blepharitis, and eye allergy
  • eye drops for symptoms of eye allergy
  • ointments or gels that moisturize the delicate skin around your eyes
  • indoor humidifiers to help add moisture to the air

Antihistamines sold over-the-counter may generally be helpful for allergies. Oral antihistamines, however, may exacerbate your symptoms if you already have dry eye, warns the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. as an alternative, your doctor might advise

  • prescription antihistamine
  • decongestant
  • steroid eye drops

Allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots) is another option for treating severe allergies.

Prescription Options

Depending on the underlying cause, additional prescription types for treating burning eyes may include:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) eye drops.
  • antibiotic eye drops or oral medications for blepharitis caused by bacteria
  • steroid eye drops to control inflammation.
  • eye drops that help your eyes produce more tears, such as cyclosporine (Restasis).

The Connection Between Burning Eyes & Dry Eyes

Tears are essential for maintaining eye health and for ensuring comfortable and clear vision. Tears form and clean out the eye while keeping the eye moist whenever tiny foreign particles enter the eye. However, dry eyes, or dry eyes, can cause an itchy and burning sensation in the eyes when tears evaporate too quickly and the eyes become dry.

When To See A Pro?

A medical expert should examine any fresh instances of crying eye burning.

While occasional reflex tears from eye irritation are normal, any persistent tearing and burning could point to an unidentified eye condition.

It’s critical to follow your treatment plan if you already have an underlying condition, such as the dry eye.

If your symptoms persist despite using over-the-counter medications and professional care, contact a healthcare provider right away.

Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry Possible Causes & Solutions
Why Do My Eyes Burn When I Cry? Possible Causes & Solutions


What Causes Dry Eyes?

People of all ages can develop dry eye, but those who wear contact lenses, are undergoing chemotherapy, or are pregnant may experience it more severely.

Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, ocular rosacea, and lupus are a few examples of underlying conditions that can contribute to the condition.

Although there is no known treatment for dry eye, there are steps you can take to lessen the symptoms. Using artificial tears to keep your eyes moist every hour or so can be one way to assist.

You can also use special drops called “artificial tears” that come in many varieties like preservative-free artificial tears, nighttime dry eye relief drops, and ointments.

If you wear contacts, you may want to switch to glasses or test out new varieties of lenses with better moisture levels that won’t sting your eyes.

Speaking with your doctor about possible treatment options may be beneficial if your dry eye is brought on by an underlying condition like Sjogren’s syndrome.

Why Do Tears Even Exist?

The average person produces 15 to 30 gallons of tears annually, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Even without getting the tissues out, tears are necessary for maintaining eye health. They moisturize your eyes and safeguard your vision.

Basal tears (the ones that lubricate, protect, and nourish your cornea) and reflex tears (the ones that fend off irritants) help wash away:

  • dirt
  • debris
  • irritants

Different from normal tears are emotional ones. You know, the ones that demand ice cream cones or a toast to success.

Even if you swear you were just cutting onions, these tears tend to flow out in larger quantities in response to emotional stimuli such as:

  • sadness
  • pain
  • happiness


The article was mainly concerned with why my eyes hurt when I cry.

When the tears stop flowing, the burning that was occurring will frequently stop. However, if you feel a lot of burning or if it happens every time you cry, this could indicate an underlying eye condition.

Speak with a healthcare professional as soon as possible if your symptoms persist despite trying OTC and at-home remedies.

I appreciate your reading. Please review our most recent posts if you’d like more information about why my eyes get sore when I cry. Have a nice day!

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